On this very same lake lived a pretty young duck named Violet. 就在这片湖里,还生活着一只美丽的名叫婉尔丽特(小紫)的小鸭子。
The lake is abundant with lotus root, lotus, reed, goose, duck, fish, shrimp, crab and other wildlife resources, 70-plus wild birds and30-plus aquatic plants. 湖中盛产藕、莲、蒲、苇、鹅、鸭、鱼、虾、蟹以及其他野生动物资源,野生鸟类也有七十余种,水生植物三十余种。
However, when the girl saw the old woman striding toward them, she used the magic wand to transform her sweetheart Roland into a lake, and herself into a duck swimming in the middle of the lake. 姑娘一见老巫婆大步流星地追来,就用魔仗把爱人罗兰变成了一片湖,自己则变成了一只在湖中央游来游去的鸭子。
We know Yaze lake is also called wild duck lake. 我知道鸭泽湖也叫野鸭湖。